Understand the Differences Between SMO and SMM- SMM Agency In Kolkata


Difference between SMO and SMM https://asseo.org/seo-expert-in-kolkata

Digital marketing plays an important role in the growth of modern business. Without digital marketing it has become difficult for businesses to grow. As the competition is growing more and more companies are growing their brand on the internet. 

Without SMM (Social Media Marketing) it is really difficult to reach the customers. Two main ways to reach potential customers are Social Media Optimisation and Social Media Marketing (SMO and SMM). These two channels help to obtain competitive boundaries and increase visibility for business websites. These two channels are completely different from each other when it comes to digital marketing. 

Asseo, the best SMM agency in Kolkata is here to help you understand the importance of SMM for your business websites in this modern business world.

SMO and SMM- The Difference

SMO and SMM are based on different tools and strategies but they both are effective in their own way. Below we’ll understand how SMO and SMM have changed the complete scenario of the online marketing industry. 

What Is Social Media Optimisation (SMO)?

It refers to the usage of social media platforms to develop and increase a company’s online presence. Social Media Optimisation is the process of optimising your website so that people can discover your website through social media without much hassle. Optimising your website to make it more attractive to increase awareness of your new product or services is one of its activities. 

When you have distinct content and components of your web pages are attractive and visible to customers, they will share them on their social media networks. When your website will be shared on social media networks, you’ll attract more customers and as a result you’ll drive more traffic. SMO is all about creating the best content or blog for your website and sharing it through social media pages. Sharing is one of the best ways to reach the visitors and SMO marketing focuses mainly on creating your website in such a manner that it is easily discoverable through social media networks. 

Once you’ve created and optimised your website, people will automatically share your website on social media platforms, owing to the attractive nature of your content. 

What Is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

It refers to the activities done apart from your website to market a company’s product or services with the use of social media and social networks. For example making video content about your products or services and uploading them on Youtube.

Sharing on social media networks helps to attract visitors and drive huge traffic to your online business. 

Asseo, the best SMM agency in Kolkata will help and guide you in all the activities you do on social media networks to promote your online business or website. For example, creating accounts and pages for your website and systematically posting content about your business. SMM agency in Kolkata will use various strategies like daily posts, sharing links, and also creating video content. Short informative videos are in trend now and it really helps to promote your business and helps to drive more potential customers to your website. 

Difference between SMO and SMM https://asseo.org/seo-expert-in-kolkata


Social media is a strong platform which creates massive opportunities for the growth of many online businesses.

SMO and SMM both can help you grow your business online if you have an attractive website. Social media optimization focuses mainly on your website content and modifies it to make it more attractive so that it can easily be shared on social media networks.  

On the other hand, Social media marketing focuses basically on social media networks and away from your website. It’s main objective is to develop the interest of the visitors and drive traffic to your online business through social media networks. 

Social media has the potential to grow your business, and you can start with Asseo, the best SMM agency in Kolkata to increase your online presence on the internet. 


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